Please read below matter and give Islamic view (fatwa) about this which is confusing common people and arguments going on all over Kerala between various groups 2098 views What about Regarding Jamate Islami hind & Ahle Hadees ,is this within boundry of Islam ? 5709 views Who is the founder of so called ahle hadith oe gair muqallid sect and when? 7307 views Pls pls pls provide me the history of both firqa, who is doing correct in the light of Quran & Hadith. please give me the name of 4 Imam and to whom we are followin.

Are we follower of Abdul wahab or one of the Imam out of that 4. Who is "Abdul wahab" and "sheikh Feiz " ? could you please clearify what is the actuall existance of Wahabis (Jamati) and that Ahlesunnah (who belief on baba to get something by prey from them), what is the History of both firqa as both cliam they are correct. One of my friends Mohsin do niyaz kunde and visit dargah for prey from baba etc. I am simple Muslim man ask everything from allah not visit on dargah for any needs. Whatever truth will come up regarding Ilm-e-Gaib will be accepted and one who accepts the truth is on winner?s end.

You are requested to pay a visit to Deoband. Point out the beliefs of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal-Jamat which we do not follow. As far as labelling any Muslim with kufr is concerned, according to Hadith one is himself a kafir who calls a Muslim kafir:

If you are also given taufeeq to follow the preachings of Hazrat Thanvi you will also become a human being and a true Muslim, the darkness of shirk and bidah (polytheism and innovation) will go away from your heart. Question ID: 1694 Country: India Title: Why do you follow the preachings of Ashraf Ali Thanvi when he is proved to be a Kafir by ALA Hazrat and other Maulana's from Makkah and Madeena? His books Risaalahe-Al-Imdad, Hifzul Imaan etc clearly is a proof that is a Kafir! Why dont you follow the believes which are proved to be right and you'll have lost the debates on them like Ilme-Gayb? Question: Why do you follow the preachings of Ashraf Ali Thanvi when he is proved to be a Kafir by ALA Hazrat and other Maulana's from Makkah and Madeena? His books Risaalahe-Al-Imdad, Hifzul Imaan etc clearly is a proof that is a Kafir! Why dont you follow the believes which are proved to be right and you'll have lost the debates on them like Ilme-Gayb?