Quickly, though, Spears proved she had the acting chops as well as the singing chops. On paper, Britney Spears making a small guest arc on How I Met Your Mother would seem like a terrible idea. This is definitely true of Katy Perry, who appeared in season six's "Oh Honey." As Zoey's cousin, "Honey" (no one remembers her name), Perry played a gullible - but lovable - ditz and ended up winning a People's Choice Award for her efforts. But always, the pop stars who appeared actually turned out to play some of the most memorable characters. To be fair, these episodes did often prove to be some of the highest-rated. Many times, pop stars turning up on How I Met Your Mother could have been seen as stunt casting. The hype was real when Marshall introduced them. Obviously, their dulcet tones make beautiful work of the melody. His song, "You Just Got Slapped" was covered by Boyz II Men at the conclusion of the series' final slap bet. RELATED: How I Met Your Mother: 10 Things About Lily & Barney's Relationship That Would Never Fly Today However, by season nine, the show was still managing to top itself. Each time one of Marshall's five slaps would be levied, hilarity would ensue. One of the best recurring jokes on HIMYM revolved around the slap bet. And on HIMYM, her top hit was in giving Ted his butterfly tattoo. "Candy" and "I Wanna Be with You" are some of her top hits. Moore has seven albums in her discography and she's frequently popped up on a number of charts. However, when she played Rapunzel, it was clear that the pop star was still within her. Between This Is Usand Tangled, Moore is known for her acting just as much as her singing. Obviously, Mandy Moore has plenty of experience with acting.